Published on August 22, 2004 By NyceShews In Welcome
I just read a great book on a website I found called Bruce Trail Enviro P.I. ( The book is called It Just Takes A Hand To Put The Trash In The Can and it's about this cool guy, Bruce Trail, who gets kids to become members of his Friends Of Bruce team. The story is about how Bruce sees Dylan and his sister Sarah drop their lunch trash on the ground one day and how he shows them what would happen if everone did that. Bruce has a cool computer he calls Super Ogee that enables him to travel to the future. He takes them to see the same park one year in the future where nobody has put their trash away for a whole year. There is so much trash you cant even see the grass. Bruce has his two beaver pals Spike and Bucky who are cool too and they go with them. The book is very easy to read and the drawings are really good. One of the writers of the book wrote Inspecter Gadget which even I thought is so cool because I was eleven when I first watched it. You can read the e-book for free and there's posters you can download. And there's a fun match game you can play. My kids joined up to become members of Bruce's Friends of Bruce team and they say they're never going to drop their trash on the ground again. We'll see how long that lasts!! But anyway, I'm glad I found the book because I'm tired of most of the books out there for kids that don't give them anything they can take and use in their lives. At least the environment is a really good cause.

on Aug 22, 2004
Sounds great....I'm going to have to go check out the website myself.  Welcome to JU, and hope to read more from you in the future!!
on Aug 22, 2004
Nice, I must check out the site, yes we all must do something for our fragile planet,right ?
on Aug 31, 2004
Thanks Poetmom99!
Let me know what your kids think of the book/site. My kids just got an e-mail from Bruce Trail, welcoming them to his Friends of Bruce Team, they were thrilled! Their rooms have never been cleaner!

Thanks web_poet!
You can say that again! I've become even more conscious of littering and the whole family is really taking recycling to heart. Maybe this Bruce Trail guy can get everyone doing their part.